World Health Organization Passes Resolution on Ageing

WHOThe World Health Organization agreed today to implement a global, healthy ageing strategy.

From the press release: “The proportion of the world’s population aged 60 years or over is predicted to double between 2000 and 2050, rising to 22%. A WHO report released in October 2015 revealed little evidence that older people today are experiencing better health than their parents did at the same age. Moreover, good health in older age is unequally distributed, both within and between countries.

“Most health problems are linked to chronic conditions, particularly noncommunicable diseases that can be prevented or delayed by healthy behaviours across the life-course. The aim of the strategy is for every country to commit to action on healthy ageing. It calls for the development of age-friendly environments and the alignment of health systems to the needs of older populations. It envisages the development of sustainable and equitable systems of long-term care, and improved measurement, monitoring and research. It emphasizes equity and human rights, including the important role of involving older adults in all decisions that concern them.”

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