PLEASE NOTE: All content on this website is archival material only and reflects the activities of the previous Seniors’ Advisory Committees for the period of 2009-2018. This website is not affiliated with the current Committee, for which information can be found here.
Members of the Vancouver Seniors Advisory Committee (2009-18) have been appointed by Vancouver City Council to enhance access to City of Vancouver services for older adults and their families, and to identify and suggest solutions to gaps and barriers that impede the full participation of older adults in all aspects of City life.
The Committee
- advises Council on matters presently under consideration which affect older adults and their families;
- monitors City programs to ensure that the needs of older adults and their families are considered;
- works co-operatively with Civic Departments, Boards, and Commissions whose activities affect older adults and their families;
- provides advice and information to Civic Departments, Boards, and Commissions;
- disseminates information on civic matters affecting older adults and their families;
- encourages and facilitates feedback through existing channels from older adults and their families on civic matters affecting them;
- brings to the City Council matters identified by it as requiring action by the City;
- deals with any matters which may be referred to the Committee by Council;
- produces an annual work plan with specific objectives by no later than March of each year, in consultation with its Council and staff liaisons, for distribution to Council and civic departments for information; and
- submits an annual report to Council describing its accomplishments for the year, including reference to each objective set out in the work plan and any arising issues to which the Committee has responded.
The following documents govern the conduct of the Seniors Advisory Committee:
- Procedure Bylaw, which regulates the procedures of Council and its committees and other bodies
- Guidelines for Civic Agencies, which provides general guidance on day-to-day operation of civic agencies
- Code of Conduct Policy, which sets minimum expectations for the behaviour of Council officials, staff, and advisory body members in carrying out their functions
Under Section 160 of the Vancouver Charter, all committees of Council shall stand discharged immediately before the first Monday after December 1 in the year of a general local election.